Senator Ayotte Re-Introduces “USF Fairness” Bill


Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) has introduced the “USF Equitable Distribution Act of 2015″ (S. 734).  The bill would require that at least 75% of the USF contributions collected by interstate telecommunications service providers from a rural state’s consumers be allocated to provide universal service to consumers in that state.  S. 734 defines “rural state” as a state in which the total population density is 200 people or less per square mile, as determined by the latest census.  Senator Ayotte has expressed her support for USF funding formula reform in the past, and has noted her concern that New Hampshire ranks last out of all fifty states in return on E-Rate funding.  S. 734 has been referred to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation for consideration.  Senator Ayotte introduced similar legislation in the 113th Congress.

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