FCC Updates Census Block Data Based on December 2015 Form 477, Gives ROR Carriers Until October 7 to Make Corrections


To assist rate-of-return (ROR) carriers with the decision to elect model-based support, the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has released updated census block data where an unsubsidized competitor has reported 10/1 Mbps broadband deployment based on FCC Form 477 data as of December 2015.  The Bureau also released updated study area deployment figures for each ROR carrier.  The Bureau will provide further updates based on corrections to this December 2015 Form 477 data that it receives by October 7, 2016.  The Bureau notes a subsequent challenge process is forthcoming, and that its posting of this updated data does not commence the challenge process and is aimed solely to help ROR carriers with their election decisions.

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