Comments on Jurisdictional Separations Issues Due May 24


The Federal-State Joint Board on Separations (Joint Board) seeks comment on two matters related to jurisdictional separations.  Jurisdictional separations is the process of allocating regulated costs between the interstate and intrastate jurisdictions.  The primary purpose of separations is to determine whether a local exchange carrier (LEC)’s service costs are recovered through its rates for intrastate services or through its rates for interstate services.  First, the Joint Board seeks comment on comprehensive permanent separations reform and encourages commenters to submit reform proposals as part of their comments.  Second, the Joint Board seeks comment on its review of jurisdictional separations rules in light of the FCC’s recent reforms to the Part 32 accounting rules.  Comments related to both matters are due May 24, 2017, and reply comments are due June 8, 2017.

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