FCC Seeks to Update Record in the 2010 Wireless Radio Services Reform Proceeding


The FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) has announced a proceeding to update the record in the Wireless Radio Services (WRS) reform proceeding of May, 2010. In that NPRM and Order, the FCC proposed to harmonize the requirements for renewal of licenses and discontinuance of service for WRS. The FCC also sought to clarify construction obligations for licensees of geographically partitioned or disaggregated spectrum. The FCC, at that time, also imposed a freeze on the filing of mutually exclusive or competing renewal applications. The WTB states that while the FCC already has a robust record in this proceeding, including filings made in the initial comment and reply period, it is providing an opportunity for stakeholders to update the record with new information or arguments that may be relevant to the proceeding.  Comments are due by June 1, 2017, and reply comments are due by June 16, 2017.

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