CBRS Auction Ends with $4.5+ Billion Haul


After 76 bidding rounds over the course of a month, Auction 105 for 3.5 GHz Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) Priority Access Licenses (PALs) has ended. Gross proceeds (before any bidding credit discounts are applied) came to $4,585,663,345 as participants made winning bids on just over 91% of the 22,631 available county-based licenses. In the coming days, the FCC is expected to issue an auction closing public notice announcing post-auction results and details, including the PAL long-form application and payment deadlines. All Auction 105 applicants are reminded, however, that the FCC’s prohibited communications rules remain in effect until the long-form application deadline for all applicants, whether or not they participated in bidding or won any licenses.

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