FCC Seeks Comment on Access to 211 Via Wi-Fi Calling


The FCC published a public notice seeking comment on accessing 211 via Wi-Fi calling.  211 is the three-digit dialing code used to obtain community information and referral services.  The FCC explains that Wi-Fi calling includes calls made over Wi-Fi through either a wireless provider’s network or an over-the-top voice over Internet Protocol communication service.

Noting that the number of 211 and Wi-Fi calling calls have increased over the past year, the Commission seeks comment on “the public’s ability to connect to these essential community services using Wi-Fi calling today,”  the ability of different types of Wi-Fi calling to reach 211 services, and “opportunities to make other non-911 N11 services beyond 211 available over Wi-Fi.”

The public notice sets a comment date of May 21, 2021, and a reply comment date of June 7, 2021.

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