FCC Seeks Comment on Proposed E-Rate Program Eligible Services List


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (the Bureau) is seeking comment on the proposed E-Rate program’s eligible services list (ESL) for the 2022 funding year.  Eligible schools and libraries may seek E-Rate funding for qualifying Category One telecommunications services and internet access, and Category Two internal connections, basic maintenance, and managed internal broadband services, needed for broadband connectivity within libraries and schools.    

The Bureau has made two specific changes for the funding year 2022 ESL: (1) the Bureau clarifies that applicants may request both the equipment and the necessary software on FCC Form 470 or just the equipment, and still receive funding for both the software and the equipment; and (2) the Bureau has added a note that guides prospective applicants to the list of covered equipment and services that are ineligible for E-Rate support.   

Comments are due September 27 and reply comments are due October 12.

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