FCC Seeks Nominations for USAC Board of Directors


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau is seeking nominations for six positions on the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) Board of Directors.  Each Board member will serve a three-year term.  The FCC is seeking nominations for representatives for: (1) commercial mobile radio service providers; (2) cable providers; (3) schools that are eligible to receive discounts pursuant to FCC rules; (4) libraries that are eligible to receive discounts pursuant to FCC rules; (5) incumbent local exchange carriers; and (6) state consumer advocates.  The FCC continues to believe that having USAC Board members with experience related to managing a large organization, including finance, accounting, data management, and information technology, will help improve USAC’s management and oversight.  If members of a specific industry or non-industry group either do not reach consensus on a candidate to serve on the Board or do not submit a nomination for a particular position, FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel will select an individual from that industry or non-industry group to serve on the Board.  Nominations are due by October 24, 2022

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