FCC Grants Conditional Waiver of OOBE Limits for Multiband Radio


The FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Mobility Division (Bureau) has conditionally granted Ericsson’s waiver request of section 27.53(n) of the FCC’s rules governing out of-band emissions (OOBE) in the 3.45 GHz service to allow it to manufacture, market, and sell a multiband base station radio that would exceed the 3.45 GHz Service OOBE limits in the 3.7-4.0 GHz frequency range.  The Bureau believes that granting this conditional waiver would not undermine the policy of these FCC rules and is in the public interest. 

Ericsson’s waiver has been granted subject to the following conditions: (1) Ericsson’s radio when operated in carrier aggregation mode across the 3.5 GHz and 3.7 GHz Services must comply with section 27.53(n)(1) of FCC rules, except for the -25 dBm/MHz and -40 dbm/MHz conducted power limits for emissions above 3560 MHz and 3570 MHz, respectively; (2) Ericsson’s radio must comply with all FCC rules not specifically waived; and (3) when operating as a standalone device in any particular band, the radio must meet the technical rules for such band.   

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