FCC Adopts 2024 Access Charge Tariff Filing Procedures


The FCC has adopted an Order establishing the procedures for the 2024 filing of annual access charge tariffs and tariff review plans.  These procedures apply to incumbent local exchange carriers subject to price cap regulation and rate-of-return ILECs subject to sections 61.38, 61.39, and 61.50 of the FCC’s rules.  The Commission relies on the filed TRPs to confirm that the annual adjustments to ILECs’ eligible recovery have been implemented in alignment with the Commission’s rules.  The Order sets an effective date of July 2, 2024 for 2024 annual access charge tariff filings.  ILECs that submit their annual tariff filings on 7-days’ notice must submit their filing on June 25, 2024 and those that submit their annual tariff filing on 15-days’ notice must submit their filing June 17, 2024.

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