Comment Sought on Audio Programming Competition


In preparation for its biennial Communications Marketplace Report to Congress, the FCC’s Media Bureau (Bureau) has issued a Public Notice seeking input on the state of competition in the audio programming marketplace.  Specifically, the Public Notice requests comment on: (1) potential criteria or metrics to evaluate competition; (2) industry data, competitive dynamics, and trending factors; (3) whether laws, regulations, and other practices impede competitive entry into the marketplace or competitive expansion of existing providers; and (4) whether any such laws, regulations, or practices affect entry barriers for entrepreneurs and other small businesses.  The Bureau asks commenters to submit information, data, and statistics for 2016 and 2017, as well as information on any notable trends and developments that have occurred during 2018 to date.  Comments are due 30 days after, and replies are due 45 days after, the Public Notice’s publication in the Federal Register.

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