FCC Releases 5th Iteration of National Broadband Map
The FCC has released its fifth iteration of the National Broadband Map, depicting fixed and mobile broadband availability data as of June...
FCC Extends Jurisdictional Separations Freeze for Another Six Years
The FCC has adopted an Report and Order extending the freeze on the jurisdictional separations rules for rate-of-return incumbent local exchange carriers...
FCC Sets Pleading Cycle for Verizon/Frontier Transaction
The FCC has released a Public Notice setting the pleading cycle for comments to be filed in response to applications filed by...
FCC Adopts Alaska Connect Fund Program to Continue Ongoing High-Cost Fixed and Mobile Support...
The FCC has adopted a Report and Order establishing the Alaska Connect Fund program to provide ongoing support for both mobile and...
FCC Terminates Raicom’s 700 MHz Licenses in Nebraska
The FCC has denied a waiver request filed by Raicom, Inc., a subsidiary of BW Telcom, seeking to reinstate certain 700 MHz...
FCC Facilitates Additional Access to 4.9 GHz Band Spectrum for FirstNet
The FCC has adopted an Eighth Report and Order that will allow the 4.9 GHz Nationwide Band Manager to apply for a...
Alabama, Florida Approved for BEAD Implementation Funding
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has approved the full initial proposals for Alabama and Florida for the $42.5 billion Broadband...
North Carolina, California Approved for BEAD Implementation Funding
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has approved the full initial proposals for North Carolina and California for the $42.5 billion...
FCC Opens Up 17 GHz Spectrum for NGSO Operations
The FCC has adopted rules that will enable non-geostationary orbit fixed-satellite service operations in the 17.3-17.7 GHz band in the space-to-Earth (downlink)...
FCC Approves T-Mobile, Horry Spectrum Swap
The FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and Office of Economics and Analytics have approved the applications filed by T-Mobile and Horry Telephone Cooperative...