HAC Volume Control Waiver Developments Announced


The FCC’s Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (Bureau) has announced a new docket—CG Docket No. 18-307—for filing petitions for waiver of the FCC’s hearing aid compatibility (HAC) volume control reset requirements for wireline telephones. Wireline phones are permitted to amplify volume above the maximum permissible volume provided that they automatically reset the volume after the parties hang up. The docket includes an optional streamlined process to obtain a waiver of the volume control reset requirements.

In a related matter, the Bureau’s Disability Rights Office has granted a waiver of the FCC’s  HAC volume control reset rule. ClearCaptions sought a waiver specifically for its ClearCaptions Blue telephone devices (Blue devices) that allegedly include a volume control override switch allowing hearing disabled callers to use the telephone without having to re-raise the volume back each time.

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