A-CAM II Elections Pushed to July 17 Following Corrections; Comment to Be Sought on Location Discrepancies


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has released a Public Notice postponing the Alternative Connect America Cost Model II (A-CAM II) election deadline by a month to July 17, 2019 after making numerous corrections impacting 37 carriers.  These particular corrections pertained to incorrect unsubsidized competitor attributions as well as an erroneous common ownership determination of two companies. Additionally, the Bureau is seeking comment on approaches to identify and resolve location discrepancies between the number of model-determined A-CAM I and A-CAM II funded locations that recipients are expected to serve and actual locations that they can serve. It should be noted, however, that such adjustments are anticipated to be downward to lower funding offers in situations where location discrepancies reveal more funded locations than actual locations. Comments will be due 14 days after publication of the Public Notice in the Federal Register.

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