HUBB Reporting Guidance Issued for Previously Exempted CAF-BLS Carriers


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) provides guidance to rate-of-return carriers receiving Connect America Fund Broadband Loop Support (CAF-BLS) that previously were exempt from High Cost Universal Service Broadband portal (HUBB) reporting obligations.  Pursuant to the FCC’s 2018 Rate-of-Return Reform Order, all CAF-BLS carriers are now subject to HUBB reporting requirements and have until March 2, 2020 to report their 2019 broadband deployment data.  For pre-2019 deployment data that had been exempt from reporting, CAF-BLS carriers will now have until March 1, 2021 to submit geo-located broadband deployment information in the HUBB for all locations to which broadband service of 25/3 Mbps or greater has been deployed since May 25, 2016 through 2019.

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