Comment Sought on 3.45-3.55 GHz Band Proposals for Auction for 5G


The FCC proposed has released a Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to release 3.45-3.55 GHz mid-band spectrum for auction by December 2021 for wireless broadband and 5G pursuant to Congress’s directive in the MOBILE NOW Act and in conjunction with a recent announcement from the White House and Department of Defense. The item adopts and proposes rule changes for the broader 3.1-3.55 GHz band, including eliminating some non-federal allocations. Comment is sought on how to coordinate non-federal and federal use and a proposed band plan, as well as technical, licensing, and competitive bidding rules. Comment is also sought on relocating non-federal radiolocation operators to the 2.9-3.0 GHz band and sunsetting amateur use in the 3.3-3.5 GHz band. Comments and replies will be due 30 and 45 days, respectively, after publication of the item in the Federal Register.

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