FCC Grants Extension of ECF Invoicing Filing Deadline


The FCC has adopted an Order granting a Petition for Limited Waiver filed by T-Mobile USA, Inc. concerning the Emergency Connectivity Fund program’s invoice filing deadline.  The FCC has provided an automatic, one-time extension of the invoicing filing deadline to October 30, 2023 for applicants and service providers with invoice filing deadlines occurring before that date.  Additionally, the FCC modified its rules to allow invoices to be submitted within 60 days from the date of Universal Service Administrative Company notification that a refund request has been processed.

The Commission determined that many ECF participants with a service delivery deadline of June 30, 2023, or shortly thereafter, may need additional time to complete the invoice processing for eligible equipment and services that have already been delivered and thus determined a limited waiver of the invoice filing deadline was warranted for these ECF participants.

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