WCB Declines to Reconsider AB Indiana’s Petition for Waiver of the ETC Deadline in an RDOF Application


The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Wireline Communications Bureau (WCB) has issued an Order denying a Petition for Reconsideration submitted by AB Indiana LLC (AB Indiana).  AB Indiana won bids for census blocks in Florida in Auction 904 and submitted an application to receive Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) support.  The company did not apply to be designated an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC), however, with either the Florida Public Service Commission or the FCC.  Consequently, AB Indiana missed the June 7, 2021 deadline for submitting documentation of its ETC status in the designated census blocks.  AB Indiana filed a petition for waiver of the ETC deadline, which was denied by the Bureau in its July 26, 2021 ETC Waiver Order.  AB Indiana subsequently sought reconsideration.  In the Order denying reconsideration, WCB reiterated that AB Indiana had not demonstrated special circumstances justifying a waiver and also noted that the company still had not filed for ETC designation.

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