Bureau Commences 2017 Urban Rate Survey


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has announced that it is initiating the urban rate survey to collect information to develop voice and broadband benchmarks that will be used in 2017 to determine whether recipients of high-cost support are offering voice and broadband services in their supported areas at rates that are reasonably comparable to rates for similar services in urban areas. Consistent with last year’s survey, the Bureau will collect data on voice and broadband rates offered by providers of fixed services in up to 500 urban census tracts. Also consistent with last year’s survey, the Bureau will not be collecting data regarding non-recurring charges, taxes, surcharges, and TRS charges in the voice survey. However, the Bureau will be asking the question regarding non-recurring charges for broadband services. Using FCC Form 477 data as of June 30, 2015, the Bureau will randomly select a number of service providers to complete the survey. As some providers serve many urban census tracts, they could receive surveys for multiple census tracts. Notification that a provider is required to complete a survey will be sent by email to each selected provider’s FCC Form 477 contact person and certifying official on or around September 22, 2016. Selected providers must complete the survey online by October 25, 2016.

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