Vermont ETCs Must Enter Lifeline Subscriber Data into NLAD by November 1


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) has granted the Vermont Public Service Department’s (Department) request to participate in the National Lifeline Accountability Database (NLAD).  The Department originally filed a petition in 2012 seeking permission to opt out of the NLAD, which the Bureau conditionally granted in 2013.  However, in April 2017, the Department reconsidered its original petition and asked the Bureau to allow Vermont eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) to load Lifeline subscriber data into the NLAD to reduce the risk of Lifeline subscribers receiving duplicate benefits in another state.  The Bureau has deemed it in the public interest to permit Vermont ETCs to use the NLAD, as doing so will help ensure that multiple ETCs do not claim and receive reimbursement for the same Lifeline subscriber.  Accordingly, the Bureau has granted the Department’s request and has provided Lifeline ETCs in Vermont until November 1, 2017 to load into the NLAD all records associated with their Vermont Lifeline subscribers.

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