Comment Sought on HAC Reporting Relief for Non-Nationwide Providers


The FCC has released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on revising its wireless hearing aid compatibility (HAC) reporting requirements to provide relief to small, rural, and regional service providers. The FCC asks whether the reporting burdens on these entities outweigh the public interest benefits and specifically seeks comment on (i) exempting non-nationwide wireless providers from annual HAC reporting, (ii) the feasibility of relying on informal complaints and other required sources of information to ensure industry HAC compliance, (iii) the costs and benefits of the proposed reporting exemption, and (iv) other ways to streamline or simplify HAC requirements for service providers generally. Despite the proposals raised in the NPRM regarding possible HAC reporting exemptions for non-nationwide providers, it should be noted that the FCC will continue to require all wireless providers to remain HAC compliant with their handset offerings to ensure service to hearing impaired consumers. Comments on the NPRM will be due 30 days after publication in the Federal Register, which has not yet occurred, and reply comments will be due 15 days thereafter.

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