FCC Extends Deadline for Most Filings


The FCC has issued a Public Notice extending the deadline for submitting FCC filings due between January 3 and February 7, such that: (a) all filings due between January 3 and January 7 will be due on January 30; and (b) all filings that would otherwise be required to be filed between January 8 and February 7 will be due on February 8.  This Notice supersedes the agency’s January 2 and January 28 Notices related to filing deadlines, however, the extension does not apply to NORS and DIRS filings or filings related to spectrum auction activities, including the broadcast incentive auction.

In its Public Notice, the Commission also established filing deadlines that are different from the general deadlines for certain proceedings and classes of proceedings.  These include:

  • All ULS applications and notifications that were originally due to be filed between January 3 and February 8, which are now due on February 8;
  • Provider responses to informal consumer complaints due to be filed between January 3 and January 28, which are now due on January 30;
  • All online public inspection quarterly filings due to be filed by January 10, as well as all non-quarterly filings that were required to be placed in a station’s online public inspection file between January 3 and January 28, which now have a deadline of February 11; and
  • The comment and reply comment deadlines related to the Media Bureau’s Public Notice seeking comment on industry proposals for carriage election notice modernization, which, according to the Media Bureau, do not yet have new due dates.
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