FCC Announces Counties where Conditional Forbearance from Lifeline Voice Obligation Applies


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (the Bureau) has announced the counties in which conditional forbearance from the obligation to offer Lifeline-supported voice service applies.  The conditional forbearance would apply to the Lifeline voice obligation of eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) that are designated for purposes of receiving both Lifeline and high-cost support, and not to Lifeline-only ETCs.  The Public Notice’s Appendix includes a comprehensive list of counties where the forbearance will apply effective on September 21.

For ETCs that receive high-cost support in these designated counties, the forbearance would only apply in areas within the county where the ETC does not receive high-cost support.  The forbearance would apply in these counties until 60 days after the Bureau issues a public notice in 2022 in which it updates the list of counties.

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