Comment Dates Announced for Termination of Dormant Proceedings


The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC or Commission) Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau (Bureau) has released a Public Notice seeking comment on the possible termination of the proceedings listed here.  Candidates for termination may include dockets in which no further action is required or contemplated, as well as those in which no pleadings or other documents have been filed for several years.  Per Commission order, proceedings in which petitions addressing the merits are pending should not be terminated without the parties’ consent.  A party’s failure to file comments will be construed as consent to terminate that proceeding. A party aggrieved by a docket termination may file a petition for reconsideration with the Bureau or an application for review with the full Commission.  Comments are due August 20, 2014, and replies will be due September 4, 2014.

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