Comments on AT&T TTY Petitions Are Due August 24


The FCC’s Consumer and Government Affairs Bureau, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, Wireline Competition Bureau, and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau are seeking comment on two related petitions filed by AT&T Services, Inc. Comments are due August 24, 2015, and reply comments are due September 8, 2015. In the first petition, AT&T requests that the FCC open a rulemaking to explore a change to the FCC’s rules requiring support for text telephone (TTY) technology. AT&T proposes that real-time text (RTT) communications replace TTY as the technology of choice for persons who are deaf, hearing impaired, or speech impaired to access newly deployed voice communications. In a second related petition, AT&T requests a temporary waiver of Sections 20.18(c) and 64.603 of the FCC’s rules which require covered service providers to enable 911 and 711 short code dialing using a TTY device.

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