Comments on Numbering FNPRM and Rural Broadband Experiment FNPRM Due March 31


In the Technology Transitions Order, the FCC created a numbering test-bed for research and exploration of technical options and opportunities for telephone numbering in an all-IP network, and solicited broadband experiments in rural, high-cost areas.  The FCC also issued two Further Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) to develop these two matters.  First, the FCC issued an FNPRM to gather input on the funding and budget for the numbering test-bed and ask whether it should fund other numbering research initiatives.  Second, the FCC issued an FNPRM that seeks comment on a number of specific issues related to the further development of rural broadband experiments, such as budget size, application process and procedures for broadband experiments in rate-of-return areas, selective criteria for experiments, ways to ensure funding goes to unserved areas only, and ways to fund rural healthcare broadband experiments.  Both FNPRMs have been published in the Federal Register.  Comments are due on or before March 31, 2014, and reply comments are due on or before April 14, 2014.

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