FCC Announces Additional $2 Billion to Support Broadband in Schools and Libraries


The FCC has announced that it will invest an additional $2 billion over the next two years to support broadband networks in our nation’s schools and libraries. This funding will double the current E-Rate broadband investment and provide high-speed Internet access to 20 million students in at least 15,000 schools. The E-Rate program provides $2.4 billion per year to schools and libraries for communications services. Today, approximately half of these funds support true high-speed Internet connections. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler stated that the additional broadband support will come from “reprioritizing existing E-Rate funds,” increasing efficiency, and modernizing E-Rate program management. As a part of its plan to modernize the E-Rate program, the Commission also intends to streamline the application process, increase transparency, provide more assistance to schools and libraries to lower prices, and increase program oversight and enforcement.

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