FCC Begins 2025 Urban Rate Survey


The FCC’s Office of Economics and Analytics and Wireline Competition Bureau have begun the urban rate survey for 2025.  Each year, the FCC collects random-sample data on the rates of fixed voice and fixed broadband services in urban areas to establish benchmarks for the following year’s universal service determinations.  This year, it will collect separate samples for fixed voice in up to 500 urban census tracts, and for fixed broadband services in up to 2000 urban census tracts.  Selected providers will be required to complete an online reporting form.

Selected providers have been identified using December 2023 data filed in the FCC Broadband Data Collection.  Each provider will be notified if they are required to complete a survey on or about July 25, 2024.  Completed surveys are due no later than August 30, 2024.

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