FCC Launches Proceeding to Improve Satellite Application Processes


As part of the FCC’s Space Innovation agenda, the Commission has launched a proceeding to improve and modernize its review processes for satellite applications. The FCC is seeking comment on changes to its rules, policies, and practices to assist the Commission in processing the unprecedented number of innovative satellite applications it has received in recent years as the satellite economy grows.  Specifically, the FCC is seeking comment on: (1) allowing licensees to apply for more than one unbuilt non-geostationary satellite system in a given frequency band; (2) how the FCC should manage inconsistencies and omissions in applications; (3) application review timelines and how certain policy changes can be applied from other FCC processes; and (4) allowing consideration of satellite applications and petitions that request waiver of the Table of Frequency Allocations to operate in a frequency band without an international allocation.

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