FCC Releases Version 4.1 of Connect America Cost Model


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau has released Version 4.1 of the Connect America Cost Model (CAM v4.1).  Including Version 4.1, the Bureau has now released ten versions of the Connect America Cost Model.  Version 4.1 contains updated State Broadband Initiative (SBI) Round 8 data (data as of June 2013), makes certain adjustments to the terrain mix data for the Virgin Islands, increases the average revenue per user (ARPU) assumption used by the model from $65 to $75, assumes a 70 percent subscription rate for purposes of calculating funding thresholds, and makes a number of technical changes.  The illustrative results for CAM v4.1 can be viewed here.  Users that have executed the relevant acknowledgement of confidentiality, licensing, and nondisclosure documents released as attachments to the Third Supplemental Protective Order can access CAM v4.1 here.

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