FCC Seeks Comment for Accessibility Report


The Federal Communications Commission’s Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau has established a pleading cycle to inform its preparation of the biennial report required by the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA).  The CVAA requires the Commission to take various steps to ensure that people with disabilities have access to emerging communications technologies in the 21st Century. The CVAA also requires the Commission to submit a report to Congress every two years on the level of compliance with the CVAA’s communications accessibility obligations and the extent to which accessibility barriers still exist to new communications technologies. Public comment will assist the
Commission in assessing the level of compliance with congressional mandates that telecommunications
and advanced communications services (ACS) and equipment used with these services be accessible to
and usable by individuals with disabilities, the effect of related recordkeeping and enforcement
requirements, and the extent to which accessibility barriers still exist with respect to new communications
technologies. Comments are due on June 22, 2016, and the report will be submitted to Congress by October 8, 2016.

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