FCC Seeks Comment on Implementation of Secure Networks Act


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) has released a Public Notice seeking comment on how Section 4 of the recently enacted Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 (Secure Networks Act)  signed into law on March 12, 2020, applies to proposals under consideration in the Commission’s equipment supply chain proceeding (WCB Docket No. 18-97).  Among other things, the WCB seeks comment on the mechanics of the reimbursement program, how removal, replacement, and disposal extensions would be granted, how the matter of Congressional appropriation needs to be addressed before proceeding, and how the FCC should manage the creation and maintenance of a list of suggested replacement equipment and services.  Comments are due 15 days after the Public Notice is published in the Federal Register, reply comments are due 30 days after the Public Notice is published in the Federal Register, neither of which has yet to occur.

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