FCC Seeks Comment on Robocalls for Comprehensive Industry Report


The FCC’s Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (CGAB) has released a public notice soliciting input for an upcoming staff report on robocalling. The Commission directed the CGAB in November 2017 to prepare a report on robocalling and do so in consultation with the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection.  Specifically, the report is required to “encompass…the progress made by industry, government, and consumers in combatting illegal robocalls” and discuss “the remaining challenges to continuing these important efforts.”  Additionally, CGAB was directed when drafting the report to “focus on quantitative data, including, but not limited to, calling trends and consumer complaints” in order to “provide particular insight into the current state of the robocalling problem and how to target additional measures to help consumers avoid the fraud and annoyance that they experience.”  The FCC seeks data and other information, including information on notable trends in illegal robocalling including for a baseline period of January 2018.  Commenters seeking confidential treatment for all or part of their submissions should request such treatment. Comments are due on or before Friday, July 20, 2018 and reply comments are due on or before Monday, August 20, 2018.

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