FCC Seeks Information on Spectrum Sharing in Lower 37GHz Band


The FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) has issued a Public Notice requesting information regarding spectrum sharing between federal and non-federal operations in the 37.0–37.6 GHz band (Lower 37 GHz band).  The Lower 37.0 GHz band was initially made available for coordinated, co-primary shared use in 2016 by the FCC and National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).  In 2023, NTIA’s National Spectrum Strategy (NSS) identified the band as warranting further study to determine its capacity for a co-equal, shared-used framework, and in 2024, NTIA issued a deadline for developing an in-depth report on the matter.  The information WTB has requested will be used to inform that report.

WTB has asked for information regarding several issues related to the Lower 37 GHz band including potential uses of the band, the implementation of a spectrum coordination framework, the need for additional adjacent band protection, the proposed licensing procedures, the implementation of priority access, and the enabling of widespread access.  Interested parties may file Comments on or before September 9, 2024.

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