Four Carriers Increase ICC Recovery Mechanism Support Due to Inclusion of Halo Revenue


The FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau has granted in part, subject to certain conditions, a petition filed by TDS Telecommunications Corp. and a petition jointly filed by Cimarron Telephone Company, L.L.C., Cross Telephone Company, L.L.C., and The Pottawatomie Telephone Co., L.L.C.  All petitioners sought a waiver of a section of the FCC’s rules that govern the intercarrier compensation (ICC) recovery mechanism which was created by the FCC to help ease the impact of the ICC reforms adopted in the USF/ICC Transformation Order.  The petitioners will now be able to include in their ICC “Base Period Revenue”  certain intrastate access charges billed to Halo Wireless, Inc. during fiscal year 2011.  This will increase the amount of support each petitioner receives from the recovery mechanism.  In order to receive the relief granted in the Order, each petitioner will be required to make five certifications related to Halo intrastate access traffic and file corrected tariff review plan worksheets with amended eligible recovery amounts.

For additional information, please contact Tony Veach.

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