Iowa Network Services Applies to Conduct IP Transition Experiment


Iowa Network Services, Inc. (INS) has filed a request to conduct a service-based experiment concerning the IP transition for Centralized Equal Access (CEA) service.  Comments on INS’ proposal are due on or before March 21, 2014. Reply Comments are due March 31, 2014.  INS is a statewide fiber-optic network and switching system that offers and provides CEA services used to facilitate the delivery of interstate (and intrastate) voice and data traffic in Iowa.  As described in INS’s request, the experiment’s purpose “is to study the impact on customers and rural communities as INS’ voice communications service converts from a CEA network based on time-division multiplexed circuit-switched voice services to a CEA network using new IP technologies.”  During the experiment, INS will collect information by surveying both service providers and end users.  The primary focus of INS’ IP CEA experiment is to advance universal access to new technologies for rural Americans.

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