MF-II Coverage Data and Maps Released


The FCC’s Rural Broadband Auctions Task Force (Task Force) and other bureau and office staff have released 4G LTE coverage data and maps from the challenge process of the former Mobility Fund Phase II. Pursuant to the MF-II challenge process, mobile broadband service providers were required to submit 4G LTE coverage data as part of a one-time coverage data collection. Over 50 mobile service providers participated in the process. Because AT&T objected to the release of its coverage maps and was the only provider to do so, AT&T’s maps have not been released. The Task Force has also released its MF-II Investigation Staff Report with unredacted maps. The public release of this data is intended to help the public understand the issues that the FCC faced in vetting coverage data for MF-II. The FCC has since begun the process of implementing the 5G Fund as the successor program to MF-II.

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