NTIA To Assess Availability of Communications Services in Arctic Region


The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is seeking public comment on the current and potential availability of communications services in the Arctic region.  NTIA’s request for comment stems from the White House’s 2013 National Strategy for the Arctic Region that sets forth the U.S. Government’s strategic priorities for the Arctic region, one of which includes improving Arctic infrastructure and strategic capabilities.  To help implement the national strategy, NTIA and other Federal agencies are to assess “the current and potential availability of telecommunications services in the Arctic region, including local and long-distance terrestrial, commercial mobile cellular, public safety services, emergency services, navigational safety and satellite voice and broadband channel availability by the end of 2014.”  Comments are due no later than November 3, 2014, and may be submitted via email to arcticnoi@ntia.doc.gov or by U.S. mail to NTIA’s Washington D.C. address.

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