Numbering Council Releases Report On Nationwide Wireless Number Portability


The North American Numbering Council has released a report on nationwide, non-geographic wireless number portability.  In November 2015, the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau directed NANC to study the regulatory and consumer issues that may arise in connection with nationwide number portability, and to issue and propose solutions to nationwide wireless number portability.  The report addresses the following issues related to nationwide number portability:

  • Potential impacts to the life of the North American Numbering Plan;
  • Numbering resource utilization and forecasting form impacts;
  • Applicability and assessment of tolls, tariffs, and taxes;
  • The role of state regulatory commissions;
  • Costs, including cost recovery;
  • Conforming edits to relevant federal rules; and
  • The need for Location Routing Numbers (LRNs) to continue to exist once VoIP interconnection is fully implemented, including an analysis of the role of LRNs for carriers that implement both time division multiplexing (TDM) and VoIP-based interconnection during the VoIP interconnection transition.
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