Retransmission Consent, Broadcast Ownership Rules, and Spectrum Items on Tentative Agenda for FCC March Meeting


The FCC has released a tentative agenda for its next open meeting, scheduled for Monday, March 31, 2014.  The meeting is set to begin at 10:30 a.m., and will be shown live online at  The tentative agenda contains the following four items:

Retransmission Consent: The FCC will consider an Order addressing retransmission consent negotiations, and a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) seeking comment on whether to eliminate the network non-duplication and syndicated exclusivity rules.

Broadcast Ownership Rules Quadrennial Regulatory Review: The FCC will consider an FNPRM that initiates the 2014 Quadrennial Review of broadcast ownership rules and addresses the Third Circuit’s remand of the 2008 Diversity Order, a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the disclosure of sharing agreements between broadcast television stations, and a Report and Order covering certain television joint sales agreements.

Unlicensed Spectrum in the 5 GHz Band: The FCC will consider a First Report and Order that would revise rules to make 100 megahertz of 5 GHz UNII-1 band unlicensed spectrum more useful for consumers and businesses.

AWS-3 Spectrum: The FCC will consider a Report and Order that would adopt allocation, licensing, service, and technical rules for 65 megahertz of AWS-3 spectrum.

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