FCC Extends Open Internet and Framework for Broadcast Internet Access Service Comment Periods


As the July 15, 2014 comment deadline in the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC or Commission) Open Internet proceeding approached, an “overwhelming surge” in FCC website traffic caused problems with the Commission’s Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) and made it difficult to submit filings.  In response, the Commission has extended the Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet (Docket No. 14-28) and Wireline Competition Bureau Seeks to Refresh the Record in the 2010 Proceeding on Title II and Other Potential Legal Frameworks for Broadband Internet Access Service (Docket No. 10-127) comment deadlines until midnight on Friday, July 18, 2014.  In addition to filing comments on ECFS, parties interested in submitting comments in these proceedings can also email comments to openinternet@fcc.gov, and they will be placed in the public record.

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