Great American Broadband, Inc. Settles Enforcement Bureau Investigation


The Federal Communications Commission (Commission) Enforcement Bureau (Bureau) and Great American Broadband, Inc. (GAB) have entered into a consent decree resolving the Bureau’s investigation into whether GAB complied with Designated Entity bidding credit and alien ownership requirements applicable to 700 MHz band licenses the company obtained during Auction 73. GAB paid discounted prices for several licenses in Auction 73 because it qualified as a Designated Entity with “very small business” status. The company subsequently made management and ownership changes that altered that status and also caused GAB to exceed the 20 percent alien ownership cap specified in the Commission’s rules. GAB also admitted that it violated Commission rules requiring that it obtain approval before consummating a pro forma transfer of control and timely notify the Commission of ownership changes. GAB will pay a civil penalty of $100,000 and unjust enrichment amount of approximately $165,000.

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