Commission Orders Electronic Filing For Certain Proceedings


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) has amended its rules to require electronic filings for (a) applications for authorization of domestic transfers of control under section 214(a) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the Act); (b) applications for authorization to discontinue, reduce, or impair a service under section 214(a) of the Act; and (c) notices of network changes under section 251(c)(5) of the Act.  In the past, domestic common carriers were not able to file the above types of applications and notices electronically with the Commission.  Instead, carriers were required to file paper copies with the Secretary’s Office.  The Commission’s recent Order implements new filing procedures for these proceedings, and enables parties to utilize the Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) for their submission.  The Commission has made available a new “Submit a Non-Docketed Filing” module of ECFS. This page is linked to the ECFS homepage at and to the Online Filing page at The rule change will be effective 30 days after publication in the Federal Register, which has not yet occurred.

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