Controversial DISH AWS-3 Applications Released for Public Review


The FCC has announced the latest batch of AWS-3 license applications from Auction 97 to be accepted for filing, meaning the applications are considered complete and are available for public review and comment.  “Accepted for filing” is not an approval.  Among those listed are the applications of Northstar Wireless and SNR Wireless, which are the two DISH-affiliated entities that are controversially seeking approximately $3.3 billion in Designated Entity (DE) bidding credits reserved for small businesses.  Many critics, including Commissioner Pai, have accused DISH of abusing the FCC’S DE rules.  In a separate blog post, FCC staff reminded the public that these applications are undergoing a thorough, substantive review and that parties that wish to file Petitions to Deny may do so by May 11, 2015.

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