Comment Sought on Ligado (Formerly LightSquared) Applications and Refreshed Record


The FCC is seeking comment on various filings and submissions from Ligado Networks LLC (Ligado), the re-branded former LightSquared company that emerged from bankruptcy. In December 2015, Ligado submitted new applications to modify the ancillary terrestrial component (ATC) of its L-band mobile satellite service (MSS) networks and withdrew a prior request filed in 2012.  In its applications, Ligado proposes certain ATC license modifications and specified conditions it believes would sufficiently address interference concerns with GPS and aviation GPS in particular.  Comments on Ligado’s modified MSS ATC applications are due by May 23, 2016.

Additionally, the FCC is refreshing the record with respect to then-LightSquared’s 2012 rulemaking petition to allocate the 1675-1680 MHz band for non-federal terrestrial mobile use on a shared basis with federal users.  In 2014 and 2015, Ligado submitted various studies and filings that expand upon and modify its initial rulemaking petition.  The FCC now seeks comments on these studies and filings submitted since 2014, which are due by June 21, 2016.

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