FCC Announces FY 2016 Regulatory Fees, September 27 Deadline


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) has announced its fiscal year (FY) 2016 regulatory fee schedule. Pursuant to its FY 2016 appropriation, the Commission will collect $384,012,497 in regulatory fees. Of that amount, the Commission projects approximately $21.3 million in fees from International Bureau regulatees; $83.1 million in fees from Wireless Telecommunications Bureau regulatees; $146.5 million from Wireline Competition Bureau regulatees; and $134.0 million from Media Bureau regulatees.

The FY 2016 regulatory fee schedule includes the following changes from last year: (1) an increase in
regulatory fees across all fee categories to offset the Commission’s facilities reduction costs; (2) an
updated regulatory fee for Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) providers, a subcategory in the cable
television and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) category; and (3) adjustments to the regulatory fees on
radio and television broadcasters, based on type and class of service and on the population served.

Industry-specific regulatory fee information can be found on the FCC’s website. Fees are due September 27, 2016.

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