FCC to Hold Public Forum on Improving 800 MHz Sharing November 6, 2017


The FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, and Office of Engineering and Technology (collectively, the Bureaus) will host a public forum on improving the co-existence of Cellular and public safety licensees in the 800 MHz band on Monday, November 6, 2017, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM in the FCC Meeting Room. In its March 2017, Cellular Reform Second Report and Order, the FCC revised the Cellular Service power rule as well as related technical rules to provide flexibility in the deployment of advanced broadband services. The FCC also took steps to protect public safety systems in the 800 MHz band from potential increased interference. To resolve concerns of all stakeholders concerning potential interference, the FCC directed the Bureaus to convene a forum between stakeholders, including Cellular licensees, public safety entities, and public safety equipment manufacturers to share perspectives and to discuss realistic anticipated changes in the 800 MHz interference environment, and practical options for addressing interference issues without impeding technological advances in the Cellular Service. A detailed agenda will be released prior to the forum. This forum is open to the public or can be viewed by webcast on the FCC’s web page at www.fcc.gov/live.

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