FCC Seeks to Improve 911 Call Routing


At its March 2018 Open Meeting, the Federal Communications Commission adopted a Notice of Inquiry which seeks comment from the public on ways to improve 911 call routing accuracy.  Specifically, the Notice of Inquiry seeks comment on:  (1) how the delays that arise from cell tower-based routing of wireless 911 calls can be avoided, possibly resulting in faster response times, via the implementation of location-based routing solutions; (2) the state of location-based routing technologies, their maturity, and their utility in supporting more accurate routing of wireless 911 calls; (3) recommendations regarding location-based routing by the Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council (CSRIC) in September, 2016; (4) the costs and benefits of location-based routing technologies, existing and evolving standards for routing methodologies, and the capabilities of next-generation 911 to support or drive location-based routing technologies; and (5) how the Commission can facilitate and promote location-based routing improvements.

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