FCC Extends Deadline for USTelecom Petition Requesting Forbearance


The FCC has released an Order extending, by 90 days, the date on which a petition requesting forbearance filed by USTelecom – The Broadband Association shall be deemed granted in the absence of a Commission decision that the petition fails to meet the standards of forbearance under the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (Communications Act). On May 4, 2018, USTelecom filed its petition requesting that the Commission grant nationwide forbearance from several “outmoded regulatory mandates.” Specifically, USTelecom seeks forbearance from various statutory provisions, including Sections 251(c)(3), 251(c)(4), 252, 272(e)(1), and 271(c)(2)(B)(iii) of the Communications Act. Section 10(c) of the Communications Act allows the Commission to extend by 90 days the one-year period under which it must act on a petition requesting forbearance. Accordingly, the day on which the USTelecom petition will be deemed granted in the absence of a Commission denial is now August 2, 2019.

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