Enforcement Bureau Seeks Comment on the Selection of the Registered Traceback Consortium


The FCC’s Enforcement Bureau (the Bureau) is seeking comment on the selection of the registered consortium to trace back the origin of suspected unlawful robocalls.  The FCC, compelled by the Pallon-Thune Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence Act (TRACED Act) to create a registration process to designate a single consortium, established rules to require consortia seeking selection as the registered consortium to file Letters of Intent.  The Bureau evaluates these submissions on an annual basis based on set criteria.

The Bureau is seeking comment on ZipDX LLC, which submitted a Letter of Intent in May 2021, and on USTelecom – the Broadband Association’s Industry Traceback Group (USTelecom ITG), which the Bureau appointed as registered traceback consortium in July 2020.

Comments are due July 2.  The Bureau will subsequently select the registered consortium by August 25.

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